MTBE (Methyl-tertiary-butyl-ether) is the most common oxygenated fuel additive used in reformulated gasoline. Contamination of groundwater with MTBE is a rapidly growing problem in 49 U.S. states. In drinking water, even trace amounts of MTBE can cause taste and odor problems, which may lead to nausea and dizziness. The potential long-term health effects of MTBE are not understood at this time, however, initial studies indicate MTBE may cause kidney and liver problems. MTBE removal from water is a challenge because it is very soluble in water and must compete with other organics for binding sites on the filter medium. These other contaminants (BTEX - butane toluene ethylene xylene and TOC - total organic carbons) are adsorbed more readily, and MTBE often slips by standard carbon filters, ending up in the filtered water. The M-1 filter has been specifically designed to remove MTBE from drinking water when used in conjunction with our HyperClear gravity filter system. The bituminous coal based media within the Doulton Super Sterasyl filters, in the upper chamber, capture the more strongly adsorbed BTEX and TOC's. This permits the downstream adsorber M-1, secured as a post filter, to more efficiently remove MTBE. A second stage has shown average break-through capacity of 7.2 mg/g. Note: 7.2 mg/g is equivelant to 204,408 ppb MTBE removal per ounce of media.

MTBE: The M-1 filter is manufactured to exceed ANSI/NSF Standard 53 which requires that MTBE be reduced by at least two thirds from an influent rate (water going in) of 15ppb to an effluent rate (water going out) of less than 5ppb. (>95% reduction) *The reduction efficiency of the M-1 filter is greater than 95% and each 200 gram cartridge has an approximate capacity of 2000 gallons even if contamination level is as high as 600ppb! MTBE removal is achieved via a special medium called "AquaBond". Its unique pore structure, created using a proprietary process, is designed for increased adsorption capacity for trace organics and weakly adsorbed species, such as MTBE, DBCP, THM's, pesticides and herbicides. The "AquaBond" granular medium has proven superior adsorption capacity compared to standard activated coal-based carbon. Generally, the longer the contaminated water is in contact with the effective medium, the greater the removal of MTBE. This is known as the "Trickle Method". Because the M-1 filters used in conjunction with our Doulton 10" gravity filters incorporate the "Trickle Method", it is the preferred system for removing MTBE from contaminated drinking water sources.

FLOURIDE: Testing for flouride was based on 20-30ppm of the ion in the influent aqueous solution ata flow rate of no more than 3 gpm per cubic foot of media (>95% reduction). Results of < 1ppm of teh flouride ion in the effluent concentrations of less than 50ppb were readily achieved (>99.75% reduction).

SIZE: Length 6", Width 2.5"
REPLACEMENT: *Under normal conditions it is recommended that M-1 elements be replaced at six-month intervals or 2000 gallons per filter. (If the water is heavily contaminated with MTBE, flouride, lead or arsenic, filters should be replaced in four-month intervals)*. Note: Do not boil this element.

* Actual capacity is dependent on the presence of other competing
contaminants in the source water. High levels of total organic carbons and
volatile organic compounds may reduce the capacity and efficiency of
these elements.